For over 15 years, QLEARPLUS has been an innovator in product design and manufacturing management, specifically in the area of “light”. Through vigilant processes, and our world class quality control and testing centre in Hong Kong, we design and produce excellent products for better living.
At QLEARPLUS, we believe in sustainability, quality, and accuracy. We promise to deliver products of the highest quality to our customers.
Research and Development in UVC
Light plays an important role in our everyday lives, one use includes energy intensive light rays such as UV that has sterilizing capabilities.
Years of research has proven that controlled UV-C light rays can effectively kill microorganisms. It breaks down chemical bonds and scrambles the structure of DNA, RNA, and proteins. This ensures that microorganisms like bacteria and viruses are unable to multiply, hence making our living environment safer, and cleaner.
Research & Development in Blue Light Protection
Blue light is naturally occurring, however, in recent years there has been a sharp increase in the usage of digital devices globally, hence, our exposure to blue light has increased significantly as well. Long-term overexposure to blue light has been found to account for a myriad of problems such as eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches.
While some energy intensive light rays like UV-C can keep us safe, there are harmful light rays like blue light that we need to shield our eyes from. We have studied the effects of blue light, and developed our own Q+ glasses to provide a protective layer against it, thus, keeping macular degeneration at bay.